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Beschriftung "Guter Kaffee ist wie ein Erfolgserlebnis. Beides hebt die Moral." Daneben eine lachende Frau.

There's always time for a delicious coffee

I do not start to work until my coffee does. The perfect coffee moment is a significant moment for every team. It inspires the development of joint solutions and allows new opportunities to develop out of challenges. Particularly when genuine coffee enjoyment is ensured. Without any effort and with lasting effect.

Motivation is sold out. But there is coffee.

Who is not familiar with this? Customer requirements that are constantly changing, creativity that does not come at the press of a button and the big order that you have been working on night and day is now much smaller. All these are challenges that keep the daily coexistence with one another in everyday working life exciting, sometimes even slightly too exciting. But in precisely such moments there is a lot of strength in taking the time to change perspectives.

The magic of our coffee.

Of course nobody believes in magic here. But it is a good feeling to know that you are always able to act, even if situations seem to prevent you from doing so. Sometimes a conversation with colleagues or supervisors helps, sometimes with external sparring partners, or perhaps it also only needs time to gather your thoughts and reflect. One thing is definitely always present, a cup of coffee. And a new stimulus can thus be a catalyst for change; results emerge from nothing and a miracle from chaos. When we have first analysed things thoroughly, we can change situations for the better very quickly.

On some days we make coffee; on others, the coffee makes us.

This of course does not get done by itself. But with courage, foresight and care, feasible solutions can almost always be found. Accompanied by the belief in change, inspiration creates the perfect basis for this. And all that is done by our coffee? No, of course not, let us be honest. But it supports it and we like to offer support.

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